Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Clean Fun Activity

Tonight we are having an activity titled "Good, clean fun!" For this activity we are going to be going to a local park and playing kickball. However, before we do that we will be having a little lesson on the importance of wholesome recreation. I am using the Proclomation to the Family and the For The Strenght of Youth Pamphlet as the basis for my quick lesson. Since today was also the first day of school for most of our girls I want to focus on the importance of choosing good friends and some fun ways they can come up with to have some good clean fun!

This is going to be one of our more simple activities, but I had to do something a little creative, so here are the cute little guys we are having for refreshments in celebration for the first day of school!

Welcome to all things Young Women!!

Hey there!! I already couldn't keep up with my two blogs, so why not throw in another one to neglect :)

I am lucky to serve in my ward in the Young Women Program. I love my calling, and love the women I serve with. It is a lot of time, but incredibly rewarding. The other day I was trying to organize all my things and realized I just can't keep it all, but I would hate to forget some of the fun things we have done. So this is a place for me to put our fun ideas for any one to use, but especially for me so if I ever have this calling again I won't be starting from scratch!! Enjoy!